Veterinary Physiotherapy and Pain Assessments

Veterinary Physio and Pain Assessment

Why does your dog need physiotherapy?

The most common reason for bringing a dog for physio treatment is because they have a musculoskeletal problem such as hip dysplasia (HD) or cranial cruciate ligament disease (CCLD) or they are starting to show signs of stiffness and slowing down. In these cases the aim is to keep your dog free from pain and improve their strength and mobility.

Another reason which is becoming more and more common is to check your dog for any physical pain which may be causing behavioural problems you are working with. Research has shown that up to 82% of behaviour problems are a result of hidden, undiagnosed pain.

Yet another reason would be that you just want to get your young adult or older dog checked over in case they have any hidden problems. Early signs of problems are extremely difficult to spot as they can be so subtle and some dogs can be in a degree of pain for many years without really making it very obvious. Think of it as a routine specialist check up like your annual vet check up for general health.

If you are not sure what to look for to know if your dog is in pain take a look at our free guide to help you.

Physiotherapy or Pain Assessment?

Which option is best for you?

Physiotherapy Assessment

  • If you want your dog to have physiotherapy treatments at the centre.

  • Your dog is comfortable around people or get used to them with time.

  • You and your dog are happy to travel to the centre.

  • Your dog has a musculoskeletal condition or lameness.

  • You want to bring your dog for an 'MOT' so they stay in good shape.

Pain Assessment

  • You want to find out if pain is a factor in behaviour problems.

  • Your dog is nervous, doesn't travel well, not comfortable with strange places or people.

  • Your dog can't cope with a vet examination or hands on assessment.

  • You have been referred by your dog trainer or behaviourist.

  • You are a trainer or behaviourist wanting help for a client.

Does Physio Hurt?

If you have had a painful physiotherapy experience you might not be keen for your pet to have the same experience. Our techniques are all gentle and effective and we go to great lengths to make sure your pet is comfortable throughout their visit.

As Billy clearly demonstrates, pets often have a much more pleasant physio experience than us humans do!

Veterinary Physiotherapy - What Happens?

  • First we assess your dog to see what they are struggling with and what they need.

  • Then we start getting them used to treatment equipment and techniques a little at a time.

  • We establish what your dog enjoys and what makes them feel and function better.

  • We advise on anything which helps your dog beyond the session such as activities, home environment and treatment techniques you can do at home.

  • We make sure your dog is comfortable with all treatments provided.

Ready To Get Started?

If you feel that your pet would benefit from a Physiotherapy or Pain Assessment you can book the service and get started straight away.

Not Sure?

If you are still not sure which service is most beneficial for you why not book a free call with us, so you can tell us all about your pet and let us help you decide.

The Assessment

Before the appointment

We will ask you for some videos and photographs prior to the appointment so we can look at how your dog moves and where their problem areas are before we see you.

This part is particularly important for the Pain Assessment option where the in-person appointment is online only so we never see the dog in the flesh.

Client Hub

You will have access to our client hub where you can register all your pet's details, learn how to take the photos and videos and how to send them to us and book your own appointments.

You Tell Us About Your Pet

Life History

We want to get to know you both and understand your life together and what you both enjoy


How your pet behaves can tell us lots about how they feel about life and where they are hurting


We are interested in what they spend their time doing, what they eat and how they exercise

Your Concerns

We care about whatever is worrying you, so our long appointment gives you chance to tell us what worries you.


We will give you lots of advice on how to adapt your pet's environment to help them feel better.

Lifetime Medical History

Because everything that has ever happened to them has a bearing on on how they feel now

* Please note that a signed vet referal form is needed for the Physiotherapy Assessment option. It is not needed for the Pain Assessment option.

Book Your Assessment

Physiotherapy Assessment

  • Analysis of photos and videos

  • Analysis of vet history

  • 60 minute in-person appointment with your pet at the centre

  • Initial treatment plan

  • Report for your vet




  • Analysis of photos and videos

  • Analysis of vet history

  • 60 minute online appointment

  • Post-analysis summary of possible sources of pain

  • Report for your vet


Follow up Physiotherapy appointments are £37.50 for a 60 minute appointment